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Is It Normal For The Kechari Mudra To Stimulate Pleasant Feelings At The Mooladhara?

As I was preparing to visit church today, I practiced my kechari mudra. When I was seated in church, I had some amazing whirling experiences at my throat chakra — but also I was surprised how pleasant my mooladhara was feeling. I felt like jumping in the air, throwing my legs wide whilst in the air, and running in the church from joy! That would be socially strange, so I restrained myself 😋

The kechari mudra is supposed to activate the third eye, rather than the mooladhara, I was thinking. Is it normal to feel such dancing happiness after performing the kechari? I am not worried to be honest. The feelings felt safe and holy; it was a beautiful experience to have in church.

Wow, amazing! I won't comment much on your experience at church, but it sounds like you were bathing in the divine essence of Christ! I'm so happy that happened 🌟

To answer your question, it most certainly is normal. A major purpose of the kechari mudra & shambhavi is to activate the kundalini and let it rise upwards through the spine. Stretching the tongue in particular, I have found, draws energy upwards from the mooladhara.

The fact that the kundalini rose upwards into your divine experience is perfect, absolutely perfect! Keep up the practice. Good things are happening.

I feel the kechari mudra can stimulate bliss at all the chakras, depending where the kundalini is most active. Sometimes my throat chakra (vishuddha) feels like it is spinning with with light beaming out, and I feel bliss! It's like the confidence to talk in front of a massive crowd, but the relaxed nature that there is nothing that needs sharing. It's nice!

I'm also glad to hear about your experience in church; it sounds like a truly holy experience 🕊